Couples Counselling
“It’s fixing mistakes that matters-even just the willingness to try again”
Debora Blum
Relationships can fill our lives with joy and meaning in beautiful ways, and they can also present us with some of our most difficult challenges. Unfortunately, too often people end up feeling isolated and alone in facing these challenges -- in part because of the pressure created by the constant bombardment of idealized images of relationships that don’t reflect reality, and make us feel there is something terribly wrong with us or our relationships if we are struggling or feel like we need help. You are not alone, relationships are full of challenges, and it is ok to seek support.
Unfortunately, on top of the unrealistic expectations popular culture and social media perpetuate, there is continued stigma around seeking couples therapy. Many couples wait until they feel in crisis before considering therapy, because they see it as a last resort. While couples therapists can help support couples at all stages of relationship challenges, research indicates that outcomes are better the earlier couples come. When possible, it is easier to do preventive work, solving challenges before so many hurtful things are said and done, than to repair rifts caused by months or years of ongoing conflict. Whether you would like to do preventive work or are feeling more overwhelmed, we have experience supporting couples as they face the challenges that life throws their way.
We have experience supporting couples navigate a wide range of issues including: improving communication, reducing conflict, building a sense of connection, issues around intimacy and sex, life transitions, challenges with in-laws, navigating different perspectives on parenting or other areas of disagreement, infidelity, and navigating separation or divorce.
In couples therapy, we are here to support your relationship. We take a balanced and collaborative approach, working hard to make sure we consider all perspectives in finding solutions. We offer a safe, warm, non-judgmental space to explore whatever challenges you’re facing. We always welcome and encourage client feedback and input, as we want to make sure you feel supported in the ways you need throughout our work together. Relationships can be challenging, you are not alone in this, and you deserve to feel supported as you work to create the changes you are seeking.
If you are in Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas and interested in couples counselling, please call us at 226-647-1710 or email at info@exhaletherapy.ca to set up an appointment.