Mindfulness on Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM)
“Each one of us can make a difference. Together we make change.” - Barbara Mikulski
May is an important month dedicated to raising awareness of Sexual Assault and its impact on individuals and communities. Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) reminds us that we, as a community, must actively engage and work towards preventing sexual assault, supporting survivors and promoting a safe culture of consent and respect (SAAM, n,d.).
Sexual Assault is a pervasive issue affecting people of all genders, identities, ages, and cultures (SAAM, n,d.). Sexual Assault is common and increasing by 18 percent from previous years (Sexual Violence Prevention Month, n.d). Sexual violence affects every community throughout Ontario, Canada, with more than 52,000 sexual assault survivors visiting hospitals, clinics and emergency services over 15 years (Kelly, 2021). The National Sexual Violence Resource Centre states that 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men experience sexual violence involving physical contact throughout their lifetimes (2021). The Human Rights Campaign shares that
LGBTIQA+ are exposed to alarming rates of sexual violence showing that 44 percent of lesbians and 61 percent of bisexual women experience sexual assault, while 40 percent of gay men and 47 percent of bisexual men have experienced sexual violence (2015).
SAAM is an opportunity to educate ourselves and others to foster a collective understanding of this critical concern. Through engaging in open conversations, sharing resources, and dispelling myths, we, as a community, can break the silence and challenge the societal norm that perpetuates sexual violence (n.d.). SAMM empowers survivors by creating safe spaces to share their experiences and seek support. It is crucial to listen without judgment, validate their experiences and believe their accounts. As a community, we can advocate for survivors’ rights, ensuring individuals can access comprehensive support systems.
As a community, we must focus on the prevention and addressing the root causes of sexual assault. Educating ourselves and the communities around us about healthy consent, relationships, and bystander interventions can transform the culture around us. Through challenging harmful attitudes and behaviours, we can create a society that promotes gender equality and consent and foster respect for all (SAAM, n,d.).
Let us come together throughout Sexual Assault Awareness Month to raise our voices in supporting survivors and educating ourselves and others around us. We can contribute to the creation of a safer and more compassionate world. To further our voice, wear the colour Teal to show solidarity and support for survivors of sexual assault (SAAM, n,d.).
If you are in immediate danger or crisis now, please call 911.
Center, N. S. V. R. (2021, March 30). Sexual Violence: We Know How To Stop It. Sexual Assault Awareness Month 2020. https://medium.com/sexual-assault-awareness-month-2020/sexual-violence-we-know-how-to-stop-it-f1be742e584
HRC Foundation. (2015, April 10). Sexual Assault and the LGBTQ Community | Human Rights Campaign. Human Rights Campaign. https://www.hrc.org/resources/sexual-assault-and-the-lgbt-community
SAAM. (n.d.). Activities & Discussions. Www.wcsap.org. Retrieved May 11, 2023, from https://www.wcsap.org/prevention/awareness/saam/activities-discussions
Sexual Violence Prevention Month. (n.d.). Retrieved May 11, 2023, from
Sexual Assault Centres, Crisis Lines, and Support Services. (n.d.). Ending Violence Associationof Canada. https://endingviolencecanada.org/sexual-assault-centres-crisis-lines-and-support-services/
Kelly. (2021, April 30). May is Sexual Assault Awareness Month in Ontario. Family Transition Place- Womens Shelter Orangeville.https://familytransitionplace.ca/2021/04/may-is-